
Todays San Francisco weather report

According to the radio, the weather for today was Partial fog burning off by noon, followed by patches of smoke with mostly cloudy skies.

Another beautiful day in the city. As Mark Twain is supposed to have said, "The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco." Pretty accurate, too.


Mama said...

I can provide you with a lovely alternative, which is Philly!

That's right, lovely Philadelphia, where it's 90 degrees and humid all summer long....where sweat seeps out your pores and through your clothes....where there's no such thing as "anti-perspirant"...where sweating in one's living room while watching TV is a way of life...where....

You get the idea.

Just got back from Seattle. Loved it. But suspect I'd hate it come fall when it rains until summer....

So it goes.

I need to find 4 locations in the USA: one will have the perfect winter, another will have the perfect fall, another will have the perfect spring, and the last place, the perfect summer.

I will live in 4 cities each year. Once summer ends, it's off to the next town! HA! It's a plan!


Dylan said...

Agreed. I hear San Diego and LA are always perfect, except for the LA part. I would say summer in Colorado (I hear it's great, never been but it can't be that humid), Fall in Boston or the northeast for the changing leaves although San Francisco was nice in fall and the changing of the grapes... Spring in New York, and Winter in Buenos Aires. I don't know if Buenos Aires is nice in winter, but how bad could it be? Or a beach anywhere - I don't need a real winter, I need an exotic one.