
Sleeping through the wrong things

I'm alone in the office today and was thinking about things, and something occurred to me: I have fallen asleep at a travelling broadway production of Les Mis and the only opera I ever attended, fallen asleep on buses travelling through beautiful mountains and valleys in Honduras and Mexico, but I've managed to stay awake through some of the most mundane god awful boring bus trips and business meetings I have attended.

I have also, by design based on what was probably in retrospect a very poor decision when I was younger, emotionally slept through the greater portion of my adult life and am still trying to wake up.


JoJoJangJang said...

That's funny - I must be doing things right then since I fall asleep at almost every damn work meeting I go to.

Mama said...

I like sleeping in on weekends. Man, there's nothing like it.

Then you wake up, make some coffee, read a book, play around on your computer....all while in pj's.

So much fun.