
Save the whales! And the humenguins!

A friend of mine pointed out a headline on The Onion that reads, "In Order to Save The Whales, We Must Breed With Them". Now that's an interesting idea, but I think it's a little infeasible given the size difference between a normal human and whales. I think it's even probably a bit of a stretch for male porn stars. So I was thinking about how we could use this type of logic to truly save an endangered species that might be just a little cuter, maybe a little more manageable size wise, and, why not, is already a movie and media superstar.

That's right, I am talking about penguins. Or the creation of humenguins! Think about it: penguins are cute, everybody loves penguins, and they have all the media attention after a big sappy documentary about penguin mating and a cartoon about a dancing penguin. To go a step further, I promote that we encourage, not force but encourage, people from warm weather countries to procreate with penguins so the penguin receives some genes that make it more adaptable to warmer climates. Think how cute the waddling little humenguins would be, strolling along South Beach without any ill effect. Also if we took a penguin, already black and white, and mated it with a Latino or Indian and raised our little humenguin as a Muslim, is there any place in the world it would not be welcome? I don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I found your blog today and I love it. It is intelligent, but overall it makes me think and analyze things even more. I am a Mexican guy living in California and believe it or not we have a few things in common.
1) we write our experiences,
2) we like to write about philosophical issues
and 3)I LOVE García Márquez, I LOVE L'Etranger (The Stranger), I have read Borges, and I READ the Economist Magazine. Funny don't you think?

Do you read Spanish? If so, I'd like to invite you to read some of my thoughts. This is my personal blog so there's all sort of stuff. But the most interesting are located here:
